Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Not Me! Monday (on Tuesday)

Here is my first attempt at releasing some of my parenting faux pas in a humorous way, thanks to MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week, I did not let Fox sit on the counter within reach of a measuring cup full of hot water, so he did NOT grasp the cup and nearly turn it over on himself. Whew! I'm glad that didn't happen.

Saturday night, I also did not let Fox sleep on my chest for the entire night. Nope, not me! I'm trying to promote consistent sleep habits with my son, so of course I would NEVER sabotage those efforts by letting him sleep on me just because I was too tired to try anything else. Definitely not me.

This week I did not let a puppy lick Fox's fingers for a second before pulling him away. I also did not allow nice people at church to reach out to touch his face, hands, and carrier. I would definitely not be more concerned about appearing rude than about protecting Fox from various diseases during this swine flu pandemic. Not me!

Fox is almost 6 months old, so of course I am NOT still wearing maternity pants, and of course I don't weigh nearly the same thing I weighed two weeks after he was born.

I am also NOT letting Fox play on the floor with his toys in front of the television while I compose this blog post.


I hope this post simply reminds me to be more careful. For some reason I actually wasn't thinking that the puppy could nibble on Fox's finger. I just for some reason didn't react quickly enough to pull him away. Same thing with "allowing" people to touch him at church. I actually hung hand sanitizer on his carrier, hoping people would get the hint (some didn't). I am getting better at just smiling at people as they reach for Fox and pulling him away, even going to the extent of (kindly, I hope) saying, "I'm trying to keep him from getting sick."

So I hope my "Not Me! Monday" post doesn't make you think I'm a bad parent. That's totally not the point! I just figure (along with MckMama and plenty of other Not Me! Monday-ers) that we learn as we go along, and we might as well view our mistakes with little bit of humor.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It's very well written. Keep up the good work. I can't wait until Izzy is a bit bigger and we can visit.

